Renewable hydrogen

Renewable hydrogen is a promising source of clean fuel – and one that has the potential to play a vital role in the green transition.

We’ve come leaps and bounds in our efforts to decarbonise our electricity system. However, decarbonising some traditionally high-emission sectors, such as transport and heavy industry, poses a greater challenge.

We believe that, with the right investment and research, we can make renewable hydrogen a low-cost and widely available alternative to fossil fuels – and one that plays a vital role in the global green energy transition.

In 2021, we partnered with POSCO Group to strengthen the collaboration and conduct feasibility studies on renewable hydrogen in Korea.

Learn more about renewable hydrogen
Find out what hydrogen is, what it means to produce it renewably, and how we can use it to support a zero-carbon economy.

How is renewable hydrogen produced?

Renewable hydrogen, also referred to as green hydrogen, is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable electricity. The hydrogen is collected and used, while oxygen is released as the by-product if there’s no need for it locally. Find out more about how it’s done.

Frequently asked questions

  • Is hydrogen renewable?
    Yes, if produced from water via electrolysis using renewable power. Traditionally, producing hydrogen is associated with high carbon emissions, but by using electrolysis powered by renewable energy, the process is carbon-free.
  • Does the production of renewable hydrogen generate any waste?
    The only by-products from hydrogen production are oxygen and waste heat. The oxygen is vented to the air, which already consists of 21 % oxygen. The waste heat may be used for heating purposes, for instance in industry or district heating depending on the individual project.
  • How expensive is renewable hydrogen?
    With today’s very low natural gas prices and limited costs of carbon emissions, renewable hydrogen is approximately two to four times more expensive than fossil hydrogen.

    However, we believe that the price of renewable hydrogen can be on par with fossil-based hydrogen by 2030 – if policymakers and industry join forces and act now.
  • Is renewable hydrogen safe?
    Yes, hydrogen is safe if handled correctly. Hydrogen is a non-toxic gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Hydrogen is explosive under certain conditions when mixed with air – similar to natural gas. Therefore, tried and tested international standards exist on how to design and monitor hydrogen installations.
  • What are the uses of hydrogen?

    There are at least three immediate uses for renewable hydrogen in the short term in the carbon-heavy sectors of industry and transport:

    • Replacing the use of fossil-based hydrogen with renewable hydrogen
    • In medium to heavy-duty land transport, using renewable hydrogen in fuel cells
    • In aviation and shipping, using e-fuels, such as methanol, ammonia, or kerosene based on renewable hydrogen.

  • How can we speed up the adoption of renewable hydrogen?
    Policymakers play a key role in making renewable hydrogen a successful carbon-neutral alternative to fossil energy sources. Until the technology has been scaled up and costs have come down, we’ll need enablers and incentives to bridge the current cost gap.
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